Ebuka Peter

Hello, I am Ebuka Peter, a Senior frontend engineer, UX engineer and Tech writer. I have an eye for sleek designs and love sharing my daily career experience in writing. I am available for opportunities and speaking engagements.

Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript Part 2 (Modern Tools and Techniques)

In this article, you will go beyond wrestling with awkward selectors and learn modern approaches to manipulating the DOM. This…

1 year ago

A simplified guide to using SASS-SCSS and CSS variables in React styles

React styling- SCSS and CSS Introduction: React is a declarative, fast and flexible JavaScript framework. It is used for developing…

3 years ago

Are you a good fit for UI/UX design? 5 qualities you must have

Introduction: Empathize with users There is no doubt that people who have taken UI/UX or product design as a career…

4 years ago

Manipulating the DOM with Javascript series part 1

DOM tree from wikipedia This is the begining of a series on the DOM in Javascript. The DOM is one…

4 years ago

Validating forms with pure vanilla JavaScript

Image from codewithawa.com Forms occupy a very important part of a web application. An application makes use of it to…

4 years ago

First post!

Hello! Welcome to UI cabal. This is my first post. Get ready for the best tech content in the universe

4 years ago